Sunday, October 05, 2008

Six Years Ago Today...

...Mark and I said "I do" and took lots of fabulous pictures on a beautiful if a touch windy day. So many of our family and friends were there to share in our special day and celebrate joyfully with us. If ever we develop technology that lets us relive our memories, that day would be a frequent choice for me. Thank you to everyone for making it such a wonderful moment in Mark's and my life together.

And, Mark, these six years (and the eight we've been together in any fashion) have been great. Great is such a small word, really. And even "supercallifragilisticexpeallidocious" is too small (also too silly). Maybe in another six years I'll have a better adjective to describe how much I have loved/love/and will always love our time together.


JessicaK said...

6 years eh - so traditional says that means someoe gets candy; modernists say wood. How about chocolate truffles in a pretty wooden bowl :D

Kellie said...

I think Mark and I have completely abandoned both lists. Although we did buy truffles in Vegas, so I guess we went with the traditionalists.

JessicaK said...

And really, truffles are appropriate for just about any anniversary.