Friday, April 02, 2004

The Lazy Life?

Yesterday was my first day contributing to the unemployment numbers that have given Bush and Kerry yet another thing to squabble over for the next few months. It didn't seem like it. I went down near where I used to teach for an interview of sorts. So the Kelly Services temp agency has a scientific division, and they wanted to talk with me about a job opportunity with another company. They sent my resume on yesterday, and I was told I'd likely hear back about an interview with the company today or Monday. The woman I spoke with yesterday even mentioned something about starting work as early as Wednesday if they decided to hire me. This could be a quick stint as an unemployed citizen. Which is only bad in that I won't have a nice chunk of time to spend finishing up my HD revisions and such.

Yesterday also didn't feel like my first day of laid-offishness because I spent the bulk of the afternoon sobbing. I love my brother so much that it hurts me something fierce whenever I have to hear about things not going well in his life (which, unfortunately, happens much more often than anyone should have to deal with). It also hurts because Brad only wants to talk and have me listen, nothing more. I've been a scientist since I first took a chemistry class in high school, and I've been a puzzle-solver since my diaper days. It often takes more than I have within me to just shut up and hear about the things my Baby Bro has to put up with. (Not the least of which is the fact that his reserve unit's been activated and he'll be sending the second half of this year in Okinawa. If North Korea decides to mess him and the other troops over there, I think I might seriously start considering a career as a political assassin. Or at least have a grand time writing about such a person.) So our chat yesterday drained me and angered him and upset me to the point of wracking sobs and wails. I love puffy eyes, really I do.

So today will be my first day where it feels like I'm really unemployed. I just finished filing for unemployment bennies. I'm still in my pajamas, and I'm ready to be a couch potato. But I can't be idle for more than a half hour before I go mad, so I'm going to make today "Clean the House" day. Tomorrow I'll start the writing schedule and general "this is what I'll do with my life until I'm employed" schedule. That sort of thing is easier for me to do when I have a clean environment to do it in.

Off I go to be a Domestic Goddess. I might also try out the cliche of barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen were it not for the facts that I am not pregnant and my feet are really, really cold. Maybe another time.

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