Last Friday, Andrew got his first round of immunizations. This means three needle sticks, two very distraught parents, and one initially pissed off then just tired Little Guy. Needles have never been my favorite thing, and this year certainly didn't do anything to endear them to me, but I couldn't even look at the things knowing they were going to hurt my son. I'm so not looking forward to his first bump on the head or scraped knee. And I have no idea how I'll handle a broken bone since I've never broken one myself. I wonder if I'll ever stop cringing at every single owie my little boy gets. No, I'm sure I won't stop--I'll just get better at hiding it from everybody. An internal cringe or wince or wail. Again, I'm reminded how happy I am that he's been just fine and dandy this whole year. I'd gladly take the bruised hands and arms from blown needle sticks and the pain of an open abdominal wound and etc etc if it means he only has to deal with the occasional hunger pain or gas. I know that I can't protect him forever and that he'll run into pain and I won't be able to do anything to stop it. It's just nice that that day hasn't come yet.
Ah, but you seem to forget that bumped heads and scraped knees are badges of pride - it means you've had fun and enjoyed your life. *-* They give you great stories to share (or stupid stories to share).
Still, I do understand - I still apologize constantly and feel horrible when I have to hold Mischief while they draw blood and she just stares at me with this, "Why are you doing this to me?" look. I know she isn't being hurt, but I feel terrible. I'm sure she eats it up. *-*
The shots weren't as bad as trying to suction his nose. He hates that so much that he does what we call his "murder-death-kill" scream. And his face gets all red and his eyes are wide and very unhappy. But when we're done he's very happy because he can vreathe again.
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