Speaking of eating, The Boy can put away 6oz every two hours, but he's the skinniest thing (as far as babies go, Drew is in the 17% weight-wise). Conversely, he's ramarkably tall for four months (84%). Guess he's working on beating Daddy's height of 6'2" as soon as possible. I'll be the shrimp at 5'8" before he turns five, if he keeps this up. :)
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Drew continues to despise being on his stomach. He likes to kick around on his back (loves the changing table), and he's even perfected a half-roll onto his side. I'm waiting for the day when he completes the roll and realizes he just put himself on his tummy. That ought to be a very fussy moment.
More than laying on his back, Andrew loves to stand. He's almost able to stand on his own by gripping something for support instead of just standing in Momma or Daddy's lap while we hold him. He enjoys standing most of all when he's in front of a mirror. And he thinks it's even better if he's in his birthday suit, just before his bath. By the way, he gets the biggest kick out of his baths. We have one of those detachable showerheads, and everytime it gets close to his face when we're rinsing him off, he opens his mouth to try to drink some of the water. It's very cute.
And then there's the Mutant Eyebrow. Sometime in his first couple of weeks, I noticed what looked to be a stray hair on his temple and brushed it away. A few days later, it was still there and I thought it was just another hair and brushed it away. Two days after that, I thought I was going crazy with this damn hair and tried to pick it off his face and toss it away instead of just brushing it. The darn thing was attached! It's this very long, curly thing now. He gets it from his father, who also has mutant eyebrows, although his are white and never stop growing unless he clips them.
So those are Drew's quirks of the moment. I'm sure he'll abandon some of these and acquire others as the months march on, but I thought it would be fun to share a quick snapshot, sort of a day-in-the-life thing. For my own memory if nothing else.
Kellie....Thanks for sharing. Drew is such a cutie and I love to hear all the little things that he is up to. Keep them coming...Love, Mom R.
I actually spoke too soon about the tummy thing. He's still not wild about it, but he can be on his tummy for a few minutes without going ballistic. I'll have to post a picture for you, Gramma. :)
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