A while ago, there was a sort of blogging meme going around the blogosphere about posting pictures of your writing space. I had meant to post, but, due to image uploading issues from my home computer, never did. So here it is now, Kellie's Writing Space.

This is where I used to write, looking at the space from within the room. Comfy chair, inspiration board with lots of fun cartoons and quotes and pictures, nice big desk with room for scented candles and such, and easy access to my bookshelf with a ton of reference books.

Here's a shot coming into the room. If you look at the items on the right, you'll see assorted toys that make it clear this is now a nursery. I do miss this spot. It was quiet, it was comfortable, it was me. But now it's Drew, and he deserves his own space, even if he can't stand on his own yet.

Since Drew showed up, this is where I do my writing. Glorious isn't it? When I'm done, I close up the laptop and store it on top of the electric keyboard just out of frame to the right. I keep a couple writing notebooks stashed there, too. Must be mobile until we move and I (hopefully) get a space of my own again. I know Mark also wouldn't mind a better spot for his big scope. I wouldn't mind either. It kinda dominates this area, which is supposed to be just for eating. Ha.
I didn't post pictures of my writing spot, because it's just depressing to see so many things piled on top of a folding table (and the, um, computer and printer themselves). *~* I'm really hoping to set up something nice in the new place, but since the computer's been relegated to my bedroom, I'm not so sure. I keep fantasizing about having my own little room sometime, complete with all of my corkboards, white boards, a real computer desk, and shelves to hold all of my notebooks. Someday. *-*
I have this vision of an entire floor in a house in the Arizona mountains with a patio that opens out to look down into some gorgeous desert valley. Half of the floor is Mark's for his telescope and such, the other half is purely my writing space. I'm holding the blueprint in hand for that day when I become a multi-million dollar bestseller. :)
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