Friday, January 06, 2006

Adventures in Motherhood

Excerpted from SciFi Magazine's Fan Q&A, Stargate SG-1's Amanda Tapping has this to say about juggling a career and an infant:
It has been a lot more difficult than I thought. I am handling it well … I hope. But no one prepares you for the sleep deprivation. I find myself up at three in the morning breast-feeding and then running lines and then trying to pump more breast milk and then getting into the shower and then going to work. It's been a bit insane. Once there, I am unstrapping my gun and rushing to feed the baby between scenes. It's all a bit wacky. But the bottom line is that I love it. I walk off set and there's Olivia waiting in my trailer. It's been a real gift to be able to spend everyday with her and still be able to work.

While I don't have any stories of de-arming myself before breastfeeding, I did once pump breast milk at the command of Captain Malcolm Reynolds. And I have interrupted writing a magical attack to play the Binky Game with Drew (he spits it out, I put it back in, repeat ad nauseum).

Seriously, it's been rather inspiring watching Amanda Tapping continue her SG-1 role through motherhood, especially because she still had some pregnancy weight for some of the episodes, and they still played the "Sexy Samantha Carter" card without dropping a beat.

By the way, SciFi Friday returns tonight. Go. Watch. Bask in the TV's skiffy glow.

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