Thursday, August 12, 2004

Reading Deprivation

OK, so I'm really liking The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, but I wasn't expecting the instructions for this week. Wekk 4 of the book is the "reading deprivation" week. That's right, no reading. Not even for a job (which I don't have, but still). No reading. For a whole week. Hence the utter lack of posting. It's hard to post something without playing around on the Internet for a while, reading blogs, reading bulletin boards. So I haven't posted so I wouldn't be tempted. But I figured I could control my reading urges with a quickie post to let everyone know why I dropped off the face of the Earth this week. I thought about ignoring the "no reading" directive at least when it came to the internet since I'm still struggling to maintain this blog and any internet presence while I try to sort through the Unemployed Life. But I've always been such a goody-goody when it came to following instructions, so I haven't read a thing (beyond a tad of background info on the candidates for Tuesday's primary election - yes, I officially registered Democrat and said good-bye to the days of being "unaffiliated"; more on this later). The point of reading deprivation is to prevent folks from that whole escapism thing. No avoiding life by diving into a book. No ignoring those inner voices because work's just swamped you with a bunch of reading material. And so on. It worked in my case. Again, more on that later. I'm still processing a bunch of it.

The point: Never fear, Kellie's still here. She just can't read anything right now. So please forgive any typos you find in this post.

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