Monday, September 08, 2003

Thanks, Sheila

After a wash of a day in which I spent more time getting frustrated with humanity so I wouldn't have time to get frustrated with myself, I finally started to put together my lecture for Class 2 of Life in a Lab at Forward Motion. The class has been fun, amusing, and a little bittersweet because it's giving me a chance to reflect on my six years in academic research and remember what I loved about it and also why I left. Feeling a little bit better, I decided to tour my daily reads again before I shut down for the day. And I found this great gem from on writing Sheila:

Admiration for someone else's efforts should be disconnected from your feelings toward your own, or you'll never be satisfied or happy. You'll need constant reassurance and you'll always be suspicious of what praise you do get. The only person who is your better is the future you.

If her comments weren't on the fritz, I would've thanked her there. Instead, I'll do it here, and maybe even pass the thought on. Her words are from the Things You Should Already Know But Tend to Forget During the Daily Grind of Life pool of knowledge. Thanks, Sheila. As I look at my draft of Human Dignity and wonder if I'll ever get it into the shape I want it, this helps. A nice reality check, for a change.

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