Monday, September 01, 2003

Balancing Act

For the past month, I've been realizing that I'm less prone to nasty dizziness when I don't take my vitamins. I still get dizzy, but it's the "I've been reading for five straight hours and must go to sleep" dizzy, not the "Up, down, left, and right are only vague directions in a whirlpool" dizzy. Unfortunately, I also realized yesterday that not taking my vitamins saps me of energy and makes depressing thoughts much too accessible. Damn anemia. So, back on the vitamins I go. And I'll also start being a good girl and doing my physical therapy exercises that are supposed to acclimatize my noggin to dizziness-inducing movements. My aunt the physical therapist sufficiently cowed me into kicking my rear in gear in that area.

The good news: this funk I've wandered into of late is likely not the product of really shitty writing and career decision doubts that I had feared. It's most likely attributable to low iron levels and general corporeal Bad Humors (OK, now I'm going to be laughing at myself all day for that last bit). So here's to hoping that vitamins and exercise will rip these blues away.

The bad news: I didn't write anything new yesterday for Part 2's middle. I did type in all the revisions I made on Saturday, so the day wasn't a total wash. And I've already ear-marked today for catching up on crits and that class I'm teaching at Forward Motion. So Human Dignity will have to wait. I think I'll have time again on Thursday. And let's really hope that the vitamins kick in soon and let me get moving in Red Rocks this week.

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