Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Colorado Tries to Outdo California

Nature decides to even the score. After all, if there's a big fire somewhere in the US, it seems that Colorado just has to give it a go as well. They keep saying that the fire is 10 miles northwest of Boulder, but it helps to remember that those are foothill mountain miles. Makes it a little difficult to come tearing down this way. It's still pretty frightening to see all the smoke. We've got a great view of it from where I work. Can even see the flames from here. The smoke is the only thing that will really effect us down here. There's a ton of it, and it's blowing right over our apartment complex. And the evacuation center for the fires is right by our apartment complex (which is about twenty miles from the fire, fifteen at the very least). There's also a small grass fire burning to the south of Denver, and the winds are set to blow until Friday. It's strange to be hearing about bad fires at the end of October. I thought this was a summer thing.

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