Just got back from the hospital again. This time it was for an MRI to inspect my liver. When I went to the ER two weeks ago and had a CT scan of my c-section, the results revealed a 2cm abnormality on my liver. The radiologist figured it was nothing to get worried about, probably a fatty deposit since I did pack on a decent amount of weight during the pregnancy. But they ordered an MRI anyway to take a good look at the thing and make sure it was nothing to get our panties in a twist over. So I took my happy drug this morning to prepare me for the joys of claustrophobia, we bundled Drew up, and off we went to the hospital complex for the sixth time in two weeks. They're thinking of reserving a spot for us now.
Anyhoo, we were just starting to get me all prepped for the experience when one of the techs asked if I had any metal in my body. Mark, genius that he his, says, "Wait a minute, does the silver nitrate in your wound packing count?" All conversation stops and off the techs go to consult with the radiologist. Sure enough, trying an MRI on a patient with silver-treated wounds can result in serious burns on said patient becuase silver heats up fast in an MRI. So no MRI for Kellie today, and the radiologist gave me extra assurances that it certainly could wait, that the MRI would most likely reveal a completely benign fatty deposit.
Really, the crazy health issues of 2005 will be funny later. Well, after taking the happy pill this morning, it was pretty funny today. By the way, the open abdominal wound is also preventing me from finishing that damn root canal that was started way back in March. This temporary crown is one tough motha'.
So that liver abnormality was the last of the current spate of medical issues that I hadn't yet revealed. Not counting my fun reaction to percocet. Tripped out nightmares, waking up thinking someone had told me to pump breastmilk or that the nurse taking care of me in the postpartum ward was trying to steal Andrew, etc. When I hit a crying jag and a depression spiral that I just couldn't get out of, my mother realized what was happening and switched me to vicadin. But now I'm off all pain killers, except for the occasional motrin. And the antibiotics finished up yesterday, so I'm back to just taking fiber and multivitamins. Yay, no more extensive pharmacy on my nightstand.
The good news from this, though, is that Drew has managed to charm the entire medical facility and bring smiles to lost of various patients in the ER and such. Not hard to imagine why, he's such a cute little guy.
What is it with this year and medical stuff? *~* I know a few other people who've been playing the oh-so-fun medical game this year (I'm still waiting for my game to end).
I hope things start to settle down for you, so you can clear everything up. Silver nitrate is always so much fun (when I had a cyst removed from my back, they used it to speed the closing of the wound), and nothing beats regular bandage changes.
*hugs* Get some rest, sweetie.
I'm just hoping it's something about the year and that everything will clear up by 2006.
Great blog all the best
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