Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

I was all set to post my fourth and final installment of "Blogging the Commute (Not Live)" when I realized that it wasn't a Saturday but a holiday, namely the 4th of July. I will post the last segment on Thursday.

As for our fourth, we went to a coworker's BBQ and ske-daddled as soon as the rain started spitting (plus, it was past the Drew Monster's bedtime and he needed a bath due to his partaking in the splendors of the backyard at the BBQ. As soon as we got into the car, the rain came down in sheets and buckets, necessitating a run into the house which soaked everyone. Drew was not amused. And he let us know it by projectile vomitting all over his crib while I was making a mad grab for his bath stuff. Funny how everything stops moving (except for the stomach contents) when something like this happens. Time seemed to stand still as not only the crib slats but his bumper and fitted sheet and the duster and the carpet and the rubbermaid container filled with shoes he's never worn just became covered in the evening's portion of mushed squash. And then I felt a little warm and looked down to see my blue shirt and jeans had turned a strange shade of green. Amazing how well that "yellow and blue make green" rule works.

So while Daddy cleaned up the mess in the room, Momma cleaned up herself and the boy--who was screaming by this point. Once everything was all shiny again, I bundled up the boy and held him in the rocking chair and Daddy read a quick story until the Puke Meister was all but asleep. Now he's out for the count and the parental units are hoping that the evening's stomach shenanigans were due to the freakish/alien sound and feel of the rain, or maybe the result of a swallowed piece of grass or somesuch that Momma couldn't quite keep out of Drew's mouth. Hopefully he'll sleep though the fireworks, which are set off not too far from our place.

At any rate, Happy Independence Day! Be safe and stay out of the path of the mouths of babes! :)

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