Monday, March 01, 2004

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

It's been three weeks since I emailed a query to the next agent on my list. I expected a similar if not quicker turnaround time as my last two rejections. Three reasons for the longer time: the agent is just swamped and takes longer, the email got lost in cyberspace or was accidentally deleted or some other internet snafu, or the agent is actually considering reading more from me. I can deal with the first option. The other two are things I can actually do something about, but I just have to wait. Argh. Of course, my imagination got carried away with me while considering the lack of response last night. The agent has been blown away by my cover letter and is busy calling top editors with the concept of my book. I'll get a call this week from him saying he's landed me a multimillion dollar contract.

Excuse me while I laugh at myself at length. *pause for hilarity* I'm better now.

Another thing I'm waiting on is this job. Can I interview? Huh, huh, huh? Puhlease???? The deadline for submitting resumes is this Wednesday. So the earliest I could hear anything would be the end of this week, most likely the beginning of next week, assuming I hear anything at all.

And the final thing trying my patience is my writing. I had high hopes of slogging through a couple of minor blocks in HD this weekend. But then I got tripped up on a science issue. So now both of my projects are stalled out on science. Not a bad thing, really. It's kind of fun to bury my nose in my virology and biochemistry books, hunting for information I need in my novels.

So while I got no closer to achieving patience this weekend, I did have a small epiphany about my writing. I love it. I've said that before because I knew I did, even if I didn't feel it. But now I feel it. I can feel the weight of characters, plots, and worlds sitting in my brain, eager to gain access to others in print. I can feel the desire to create, to immerse, to get it right. It's not going anywhere, and I don't want it to. Amazing that it took me so long to really and truly accept writing as a lifelong career into my life. But there it is. And there it will stay. Feels really good. Makes the waiting a little bit easier.

Who am I kidding? No, it doesn't. I'm still as impatient as ever.

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