The long awaited next round of Drew pics is up. There are lot of him gettin' mobile. Hopefully the next batch will include some pics of him with teeth. We keep feeling a couple of bumps on his gums that make tooth-poppage seem imminent, but his smile remains stubbornly all gums. Sigh. At least it doesn't seem to bother him too much anymore.
Oh, we did manage to get some great video of the Drew Monster doing his sit and spin on his own. Mark was waiting to get some more video and pictures built up before sending out another CD, but I know one Grandparental unit is already chomping at the bit for the sit 'n spin vid, so we may have to amend that plan.
Happy Fourth of July!
Right back at ya, Joel!
Kellie....I love the pictures! And yes I am very anxious to see the sit 'n spin....Mom R
My mom is very eager for it as well. We may do a quick couple of CDs.
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