Friday, August 29, 2003

A Treat

Because my brain still seems fried when it comes to writing (except for those daily exercises, of course), I decided to take a break last night instead of revising Human Dignity. So we rented The Two Towers and Chicago. We watched TTT last night and are now salivating over both the extended version due out in November and the last of the movies out in December. We'll watch Chicago tomorrow morning instead of our usual Discovery Channel shows. That'll be a nice way for me to wake up and get going on those revisions. I had promised myself that I would have HD done by the conference, and I mean to stick with that. I won't be close to a completed draft of Red Rocks (barring sudden success in the writing block department), but I should be able to draw up some kind of synopsis/proposal for it. And I want to write three chapters of Strings of Betrayal and a synopsis/proposal for that as well. That will be more difficult. Not the chapters, but the synopsis. I actually already have one of the first chapters written, and a good idea for another. So I won't be as far along on my projects as I had hoped, but it will still be a good listing of progress for my agent/editor one-on-one (I don't find out who I'll get 15 exclusive minutes with until I actually sign in at the conference).

And I think I'm going to spend the rest of the workday outlining and typing my classes for Forward Motion. I'll be doing a little bulletin board style lecture series on what things are really like in a bio/chem lab. I figure that'll be a nice way to ease back into teaching, too. Something very light. The idea of teaching a live class still causes a slight twitch. I wish I knew why I reacted to that job the way I did....

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