Monday, February 09, 2004

Important Announcement


Part 2 now has a middle, the plot elements that were vague are now tightened, a character who had originally died has now been resurrected, my heroic trio has acquired more depth of character (although I still worry about Darren, the damned tight-lipped bastard), and the threads started in Part 1 have been more expertly woven through to the last page of Part 2. And I was surprised to find some rather good writing in the last chapter I spruced up. It reads like something clicked, like I finally learned something about my writing style and took advantage of it. That gives me hope for my revisions of Part 3.

In fact, I was so energized by finishing Part 2 that I steam-rolled into Part 3, writing the new first chapter from the formerly deceased man's POV. It fit pretty damn well, and since his chapters are the only chunks I have to create wholesale, the revision of Part 3 could move pretty fast. It no longer seems a ridiculous feat to finish with HD once and for all by the end of next month. March 31st will bring the day that HD is burned onto a CD, printed and placed lovingly in a box, and stored somewhere for future submissions. A project done, a milestone passed, a learning experience living on in my other projects.

Times like these, it's hard to think about doing anything else with my life. I need to print out this entry on some spiffy paper and plaster the walls of the study with it. This entry should fall out of the cupboard when I'm struggling to prepare myself for work on a Monday. This entry should pop out of our entertainment center when I wander into a funk or a less than stellar health moment and decide to play a game or watch a movie. This entry should fall out of my purse at work when I decide I'm much too bored to even think about doing anything other than surf the web. This entry should be tattooed somewhere in my long-term memory, right along with this. Especially these words: "So I thought it might be better to go off and be a writer, even if what I learned from the experience was that I wasn't a writer. At least that way, I'd know."

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got stuff to write.

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