Friday, February 13, 2004

Random Science Blogging

I just realized that it's been a while since I've wandered through Nature's Science Update. Found some neat items. Scientists are tinkering around with bacterial intercellular signaling, a very cool field. I remember asking my cell bio teacher about how a bacterial cell "knew" how to move toward a food source. All he told me was "signaling". I was very disappointed. I'm glad someone's studying this in depth.

By now, everyone's likely heard that South Korea has gotten stem cells for cloned human embryos, but what you haven't heard is that stem cells are being used in clinical trials not for diabetes or Alzheimer's research, but for something, erm, cosmetic. Granted, these are stem cells culled from the patient seeking augmentation, not from a human embryo, so the moral debate isn't concerned, and adult stem cells are rather tricky about differentiating into something more useful for the big name research issues. But, it still makes you blink.

Now that the politicians have decided it's vogue to talk about a space program in serious terms again, we can expect to see more of this. I'm just waiting to hear about the genetics and terraforming research. That's the groovy stuff.

And, of course, more cool Mars stuff. I also hope that someone is compiling a CD of the Rovers' wake-up songs. I'll bet it'll be one of those deals you see on late-night TV. "This collection is not available in stores! Call now to receive all five discs of 'Rovin' to the Music' for only $49.95! Operators are standing by!"

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