Thursday, February 05, 2004

What Was That About Balance?

I was hoping to make 2004 the year of balance. It seems to be the year of pushing the idea of balance to its limits - something like a teeter-totter effect. Not what I was aiming for. In trying not to be lazy and such, I've upped the bar on impatience and tomorrow-thinking (as in thinking so much about where I want to be in the future that I forget to enjoy and appreciate where I am right now). It really stinks to have a day job that bores you so you can bring in needed funds and write, something you love. I know there's a perfect job for me out there that uses my science training, brings in enough cash, keeps me engaged, and still provides me with time and energy to write. It's just not an obvious job and not one that often gets advertised on science company websites. So I have to accept where I am now, write my heart out, and keep my eyes open for that perfect job. That's hard to do when you're bored and you know you don't have to be. Balance. Balance. Balance. I will make this work.

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