Monday, June 30, 2003


Spent the weekend packing. The study looks like a hastily organized storage area. And I realized that I would not get nearly as much writing or revising done this month as I had hoped. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to forget just how much time and energy moving consumes. I think it was the fallacy in thinking that, since we had five weeks to move, it would be easy. Ha! I didn't even get to read a whole lot of the new Harry Potter. Yeah, this week is going to be crazy. We get the keys and start moving in tomorrow (we're going to try to significantly deplete the population of boxes now residing in the study). And we leave right after work on Thursday for Vegas and Zion for the Independence Day weekend. And the following weekend is the big move complete with the Uhaul and the transfer of the kitties. So, see you in August? :(

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